daisydoodles1994 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/daisydoodles1994/art/Cosmo-The-Seedrian-95695476daisydoodles1994

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Cosmo The Seedrian



Here is Cosmo! She is one of My Fav Sonic Characters!
Woo! :w00t: Go Cosmo! :boogie:

I haven't drawn Cosmo on the computer for under a year so it was a bit hard, even harder to shade it! I was at first not going to! But here it is!

I think something or should I say someone is missing from my drawing! :D

This is sorta also for :iconspritegirl: for the awesome sprite she made for me, and She Rocks, she's a great friend!!!
Woo! :w00t: Go Sprity! :boogie:

Hope all you other Cosmo Fans Like it too! :)

Cosmo Belongs to whoever made her, and Sonic X :XD:
Art Belongs to :icondaisydoodles1994: MEEEEEEEEE! :D
Image size
357x366px 54.6 KB
© 2008 - 2024 daisydoodles1994
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