daimando on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/daimando/art/A-Cold-Snap-with-Coldnelius-Snap-844141236daimando

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A Cold Snap with Coldnelius Snap



This is an entry for Equestria Daily's Artist Training Ground Day 1: Draw a Pony Standing.

Description: Coldnelius Snap is the leader of the Windigos Guild, a cult group dedicated to freezing all of Equestria.  He is as tall as Princess Celestia and often speaks with a cockney accent.  But underneath that smug personality is one of the most dangerous ponies ever.  While he is only capable of cold-based magic, it also makes him as deadly as some of the known faces of the world.  He and his cult members enjoy spreading fear and chaos across the land, and they sometimes resort to provoking their enemies into fighting each other to strengthen their cold hearts.

Coldnelius Snap will be the main antagonist of My Little Pony: One as a Family.  The Windigos Guild will start off as a Team Rocket-like crew, but will evolve into the most dangerous cult of Equestria.

Coldnelius Snap is based off the characters of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, created by :iconfyre-flye: and Bonnie Zacharle.  Owned by Hasbro    
Image size
2400x3000px 7.18 MB
© 2020 - 2024 daimando
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