How to Suggest a DLD (updated, please read)

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Suggesting a Deviation
Please read this before submitting a suggestion:

To submit a suggestion, please look under our current admins dailylitdeviations.deviantart.… and submit the deviation to one of them.  When submitting, please include the category (Prose, Poetry, Collaboration, Foreign) and the date in the subject line.

Please submit your suggestion to only one category admin at a time to help us avoid confusion. A deviation can only be featured once.

A deviant may only be featured once every 30 days.  Exceptions may be made to this rule, but they will be on a case by case basis.

I was featured on DLD by caybeach (Created by caybeach )

The current submission format guidelines are:
"title" by AccountName

And an optional, brief suggestion here.

We would appreciate it very much if this format was followed. Thank you.

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ErinM31's avatar
I believe there was some discussion about whether or not to give DLDs to fan fiction? Was a decision reached? :)