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Okay, here goes...
Many comments have been made, many people have hauled off and jumped and are now wondering what is really going on, many tears have been cried (at least by me cuz y'all--y'all are mean. Enough said about that, it doesn't matter. I wish everyone all of the best and more.
I would like to take a few minutes to say two things:
1) Many have come through DLD and been better in this literature community for it. Dedication and hard work helped forward their already progressing talent. Not me, not Will, not Lili or any other running administrator--just dedication and hard work. We have present and former hats, badges and most of all the owners of co
Will's Final Words
Final Words
It is with a hesitant mind and a bloated heart that I write this. DailyLitDeviations ( was something that was formed out of frustration and anger. I suppose I am not surprised to see it go out that way. A young man named Brandon and I were complaining in a private chat room about how little literature was featured on dA and that we were tired of it. We both wrote several emails to the staff only to be ignored like so many quality artists out there. Eventually we knew that we had to do something or explode from frustration. And so DLD was born. I stayed up for 5 or 7 days straight. My wife hated me and my phone bill went throug
New Information...
It seems that all of you in need of seeing this tradition go on can be satisfied. I would direct you to the account of TheseKrimzonFlames ( where you will find links to a new account where his version of DLD will go on in a new and different form.
I am awaiting a journal entry from VertigoArt ( to post here with his thoughts on our closing of this particular project. It will be posted soonest.
Few know of my own love and time put into this project because few worked night and day alongside me to take care of everything possible from general administration duties to contests, to answering 100s of messages a day and soliciting everywhere p
Everyone, please hold on...
Please be advised that we are in the process of deciding what and how to do with this account by way of moving on--by "we" I mean myself, VertigoArt (, and various seniors/members that are interested in sticking with something DLD or DLD-like. Everyone's responses are being taken into consideration--even the personal attacks made on me are valued opinions. This account owns a number of points and I am considering doling them out to a group of people who would like to start-up a new group in the same vein. A group of people who are concerned with the work of the literature community and not the kudos that go with serving the community. I ha
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May a piece be submitted again if it doesn't receive the DLD, or is it a one time deal? If they can be submitted again, how long after the original submission may it be sent in again, and would there be a limit on how many times it may be sent in? I apologize in advance if this has already been asked.