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OC : Yuri Ichida



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Name: Yuri Ichida/ Yu-chan (called by Rika)
Age: 16
Country: Japan
Gender: Female
Relationship: Kaede (Classmate), Aoi (Friend), Daigou-kun/chan (Loneliness Alliance), Rika (classmate/crush), Naka (Classmate/Annoying kitty)
Like:  Rika, wrecking, WWE, Yuri manga-anime, dogs and hanging out alone.
Hate: Being lonely, being teased "where's you valentine ?"

Yuri Ichida is Kaede, Naka and Rika's classmate. Besides, Yuri is a massive fan of Rika because she is truly a ideal girl (cute and smart), so when seeing Rika say hi or asking something with the words "Yu-chan", Yuri started becoming over excited O3O.

Normaly, Yuri is kinda shy and inner-minded, she finds it hard to open her heart to everyone and she sometimes get drepressed due to the loneliness. However, everything changed when she met Daigou-chan falling from above, they made friend and shared their common thoughts, then Daigou and Yuri allied as the Loneliness Alliance. XD  (We do a lot of things in order to reduce our boredom)
Yuri with Daigou Hisashi : sta.sh/025tm6s1qmfi

Character made by :icondaigokun:

More school girl OCs: daigokun.deviantart.com/galler…
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LordOmegaZ's avatar
gotcha! *hugs yuri off her feet* :D