Dahtamnay on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/dahtamnay/art/Horsenado-486583031Dahtamnay

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Dahtamnay's avatar




Last Friday I did a stream to try out my new channel and the capabilities of my new computer. Thankfully setting up a Picarto account and stream is very straightforward, so I had plenty of time to get into some serious art. With no real ideas I was just making random scribbles, when suddenly a coincidental spirally thing inspired me to make a horse vortex, which then turned into a horse tornado. A horsenado.

I realize I hardly ever draw the mane six together. The only other piece in my gallery with all off them is two years old. Usually I find it too much work to draw six characters. It helps that they're only partly visible here.

Created with Gimp and Wacom Bamboo tablet.

Creative Commons 3.0 – BY NC ND
Mane six from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (c) Hasbro
Image size
1400x1981px 528.94 KB
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QuicksilverPwny's avatar
More like Horse-NEIGH-do. Eh? Eh?
...I'll see myself out.