The Seven Deadly Sins:GLUTTONYdahlig on DeviantArt

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The Seven Deadly Sins:GLUTTONY


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Ah, it's been a long while, hasn't it :) I have a new cast for my right wrist which allows me to paint, so here is the next from the Sins :)

GLUTTONY is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.

Why didn't I draw anything disgusting? Well, I wanted to prove myself I can keep to the original "idea" of a glutton, WHILE making the character aesthetic, pretty and (in her way) attractive. I wanted to prove the modern "pretty=thin to the bone" standard wrong. ;)

Some symbolic explanations:
Abundance of textiles - I treat this sin not only as eating and drinking, but consuming in it's wider meaning, such as buying and gathering useless things etc
Grapes - "luxury" goods, connected with lavish parties (in ancient times) etc
The pink colour theme - reminds me of grapes, sweets etc :)

I hope you like this one, as it was definitely the hardest one to balance and get "right".
Image size
600x900px 137.49 KB
© 2006 - 2025 dahlig
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WorthAShot1234's avatar
I loved your art style and the way you conveyed the pic. I can relate at gluttony's personification because I also love eating a lot and won't stop.