Commission: Fire and IceDaggerPoint on DeviantArt

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Commission: Fire and Ice



Cass is © 2007 *CassieStorm, Sinamon Sugar (Fire) is © 2007 Sin. Image is © 2007 Farlow Studios.
All Intellectual Property Rights Reserved. No part of this image may be used without the expressed, written consent from the owners.

Created through the City of Heroes™ MMORPG System.

Commissioned image. Owner referenced an Ed Benes image of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman that they wanted me to emulate (not copy from, mind you).

All elements of this image was specified by the commissioning party. Sinamon's skin was originally colored a regular skin tone, but was changed to a orange hue because the character's design actually had orange skin. Go figure.

I'm reminded of the very first two character commission I ever got. This image took me a year to finish (as opposed to what you're viewing which took about a month, only because I had to really experiment on how to achieve certain elements of the image in the coloring stage), yet when I look at it now, I don't know why.

12" x 18" Sketchpad. H and HB Pencil. Digitally inked in Corel Painter X. Colored in Photoshop CS2.
Image size
864x1296px 558.59 KB
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