Velociraptor lickDaffupanda on DeviantArt

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Velociraptor lick



Title: Raptor lick - Trial 3 | Time: 272 min

My hand hurts, my eyes hurt =_=; ... or they did 10 minutes ago *rested before submitting this* ---- *mumbles about having not slept all night for some odd reason* This was done as a 3rd trial in the SR oekaki. *whacks the fact one can't SS trials there* XD yes I worked on the pic 272 minutes straight e_e yay for being lifeless.

This image had been haunting me ALL BLOODY night while I lay awake in bed, figured I'd put it into the oekaki Because... otherwise it'd continue to haunt me. I didn't manage to make it look exactly like I wanted it too... the blackish raptor looks better. But ti's a cute tender moment e_e I like it anyhow <3

These are random raptors btw :B not cresta. <3

Yes I know the background sucks x_x but by the time I reached the background my eyes were killing me, sorry e_e;
Image size
390x390px 136.86 KB
© 2005 - 2025 Daffupanda
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plutoperson's avatar
This is so cute and loving! I love raptors! I also love the drawing-style that is this picture!