Star Mapdaelly on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

June 26, 2012
Star Map by ~daelly
Featured by SuicideBySafetyPin
Suggested by davebold370
daelly's avatar

Star Map




***Wow, what a way to wake up in the morning! My sleepy mind still hasn't processed seeing 500+ feedback messages when I came to the site this morning. I was so confused that I had my husband come look at the screen to prove I wasn't dreaming.

Thank you for the DD. It's my first (hopefully not only), so I'm still a bit surprised. I will try to respond to all the comments when I get off of work. Thank you for all of them and thanks for the :+fav:s!

***Okay, download enabled. Enjoy!

Please don't post this image on other sites without linking back here!

Tutorial now posted!
Image size
3200x2227px 1.96 MB
© 2012 - 2025 daelly
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evlix's avatar
I remember seeing a smaller blurrier version of this many years ago and have finally traced it back to here. This is an awesome piece. I love the feelings of serenity, and wonder that it evokes.  Thank you for sharing.