Tea Timedaekazu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/daekazu/art/Tea-Time-331430463daekazu

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Tea Time



Another art challenge by :icondaekazu:, :iconmidnighttea7:, :iconvinegar: and :iconmaudt:!

For each challenge we interchangeably give ourselves an idea or topic to illustrate and a short, specified time to

execute it in whatever shape or form... of course, without knowing what the others are going to come up with.

This week's topic is ~maudt's idea: Tea Time. As simple as that.


It's cover for book of My Friend James Calbraith.
On the picture one of the characters: Nagomi

Check it please! >>> :star: [link] :star: >>> it really worth it! ;]

When James ask me about the cover I knew it would be also a challenge work. ;]

Sai + references from James

:iconvinegar:'s Answer:
:iconmaudt:'s Answer:
:iconmidnighttea7:'s Answer:

:star: Previous art challenges here: [link]
Image size
700x990px 345.63 KB
© 2012 - 2025 daekazu
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