Atlantis: ScavengersDaakSM on DeviantArt

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March 6, 2007
It seems that I can view Atlantis: Scavengers over and over again and still not find all the amazing details put into by ~DaakSM. This artist certainly knew how to hide the hidden city in this wonderful digital drawing.
Featured by MidnightExigent
Suggested by brennennn
DaakSM's avatar

Atlantis: Scavengers



Here is an image I have been working on originally for a matte painting competition that I went totally overboard on. It was taking the idea of the lost city of atlantis and it being built from pieces of old wreckages and stuff. Kind of like a bermuda triangle type of thing. Hope you like. Comments always welcome!!
Image size
1280x720px 1.01 MB
© 2006 - 2025 DaakSM
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VixenandIndigo's avatar
I like the submerged society you're make, keep it up!