DA-World-of-Darkness's avatar


Years Ago
145 Members136 Watchers
Greetings Children of the Night! How are you today? I really hope you're all well and safe! I'm here today to tell you the result of our 1st ICON CONTEST OF THIS YEAR: VAMPIRES. Our winner is the super talented @DividLibro his drawing "The Kiss" featured down below with some other of his amazing art. Congratz @DividLibro, you're the face of DA-World-of-Darkness for the next 2 Months (and maybe more!) And now, It's time to announce or SECOND ICON CONTEST OF 2021 and the theme this time is SHAPESHIFTERS. You may submit any artwork featuring Werevolves, Mokolé, Kitsune, Gangrel, Tzimice, Akunanse, Fae or any other creature of the night using its alternate form! You have until June 30th and may submit as many pieces as you want right here: [CLOSED] BY THE WAY: I'm still looking for more contributors to keep this group even more active, so if you have some free time and would like to help, LET ME KNOW! #ContributorsWanted . And that's it for now guys! Good luck and remember to be
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And WE MADE IT TO 2021!!! . 2020 was a hell of a year, probably one of the hardest of our lives, and now it's finally over! . For all of you who kept fighting against your inner demons, stayed at home to protect somebody, went to work at the Hospitals to save everybody you could and didn't give up on living, my sincere thanks and CONGRATULATIONS for being awesome! . 2020 was also a very hard year for DeviantArt users. Since the arrival of Eclipse, we're seeing the site change day after day (sometimes positively, sometimes not) and we had to adapt. . Groups lost some of their magic since D.A transformed itself in a more "mobile" focused social media, but they're STILL a good way share and find good art. Besides, I've worked too hard on all of my groups to give up on them now Hahahaha. I still have hope! . Talking about Hope, this is going to be the Theme of our next ICON CONTEST. You may submit as many photos as you want, featuring any VAMPIRE from the World of Darkness by Whitewolf
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Well, it's been a while since my last journal. For those of you who don't know (or care), I'm Tony, the group founder and sole manager of this group. -- I've been away for a while due to personal reasons (long story short, my 7 year relationship endend in April and I'm a bit depressed since then. Besides, as a cosplayer, it's been hell to create new art during this Covid-19 pandemic, because I don't have a good camera or a nice scenery at home, so I'm not taking many pics as I used to take) -- As most of you probably have noticed, things are changing here at Deviant Art. Since the arrival of Eclipse, some old users left, others returned, some new users appeared, the reach of our posts is changed, etc. I also noticed even before Eclipse that a lot of BIG groups died out during this last months. This is pretty sad because groups are wonderful spaces to find, collect and share artworks with people with the same interests we have (And well, depending only on the hashtags or hoping to
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Comments 34

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thanks for accepting my request! 127 by MichelChokurei   49 by MichelChokurei   53 by MichelChokurei   52 by MichelChokurei   50 by MichelChokurei  

Welcome to the Eternal Night. kindred!

Cheers for the requests! Check back in weekly for new stuff!
Libussa the Defiled by Bagrada  
I'll, for sure! Coinsider joining us!