da-Exile on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/da-exile/art/Laari-522604306da-Exile

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da-Exile's avatar




A friend asked me to draw something, we came up with an idea of drawing our "in-community" elf OC ponified (that's why pony's ears are that long).
And then I got carried away a bit. Or a lot. I guess this image barely can serve its initial purpose or being an userpic now, but ohwell %D

All the rotten tomatoes you want. I know there are issues so don't hesitate. *kinda critique request*
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3000x2600px 8.72 MB
© 2015 - 2024 da-Exile
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Meater6's avatar
kinda critique request

Amazing, amazing detail. So very good. That grass and those leaves are fantastic. You clearly have tons of skill.

2 things really:

- So much green, it's overwhelming. It's mostly the same shade of green too, the pony's coat is very close to that of the grass and leaves.

- I'm not sure what that blue splotch on the bottom is. It's quite bizarre.

Aside from that, really well done!