ICOND4RI4ELECTR4 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/d4ri4electr4/art/ICON-1144498594D4RI4ELECTR4

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Daily Deviation

January 24, 2025


Featured by KizukiTamura
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I just wanna thank everyone for the support during these 11 years

Thank YOU for the fav', the comments, the jewels, the gifts (i love cake ^^) and the notes

Without YOU i know that i'm already me but with YOU i give the will to continue to study, to learn and to evolve

This piece is one of my work that i'm really proud

The eastereggs, some are invisible, tell a lot about me

I used to be a skinny little being still my 16'

Bullied a lot of time

I used to be an angry revengeful human being till a day i was broken

Three persons've beaten me to death

It was in 2005

Till this moment i didn't knew how life is precious and short

I made good and bad decisions after this moment but i live(d) my life

In 2013 i re-join deviantart as artist

I started to create my own pieces at 10'

I don't think that i'm better than an other : we are capable / able to be creative

As an autistic person with an evolutive illness i relearned everything in 2020 : how to walk, to use my hands, to play a simple chord on a guitar, to draw...

I refuse AI cos isn't a tool actually but a way to make easy money (comon' ! how many artits were and are been stolen ?)

I choosed to work and respect my condition : the day that i feel tired / ill is a day off

This piece, ICON, should be called "hello ! it's ME"

I was dead many times

1. swimming pool (yes)

2. bike's accident (yes)

3. ethilic coma (yes)

4. beaten to death (yes)

I got a cancer in 2010

I got a serious accident in 2016 and covid 5 times (03 2020 - 05 2020 - 12 2020 and 02 2021 / 05 2021)

In 2020 they found what kind of illness i got (during almost 4 months i was unable to walk etc...)

I don't believe in GOD or superior thing

I believe in science's facts and me of course

The will to live is the most important thing

YOU : YOU can be the person that you wanna be

Trust yourself and be yourself

I'm a proof that the will is the fuel of life

Take care

DariaelectrA - LE/LR

Ps : DariaelectrA was a duo at first

Maud & Me

Since 2012 it's only me

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You may not use, reproduce, copy, modify, edit, re-upload, reference or redistribute my artworks without my written permission

Image size
2001x2964px 6.65 MB
© 2025 D4RI4ELECTR4
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