Deviation Actions
Name: Dinar Al-Shama+
Barn Name: Golden
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Warmblood X Arabian (91%)
Height: 14.2
Age: 5
Sire: HAB Valkarios RL
Dam: Starfyre
Main Discipline: Halter, Liberty
Color: Buckskin
Genotype: EE/Aa/nCr
Temperament: Young and inexperienced, he can still act spooky and often dumb. Tries to take control yet doesn't always know how. Has the habit to run into a wall when he's in a crazy mood. Already a pretty show off towards the mares; yet no real stallion behavior yet.
Confirmation Score: 76/100
Temperament Score: 80/100
Stud/Lease: Open
Stud Fee: Half Body Breeding Image
Note to Reserve a Spot
Owner: Sweet Song Arabians
Purchase History: Bought from a stable that was downsizing their Arabian bloodstock for $10,000 (100

Rider: Kaitlyn Morgan
Level: Limited Show Experience
Advanced Rider
Under Saddle

Show Career:
6th Annual AHA Arabian Horse Show 2-4 year old Part Arabian Colts: A golden coin
1st Place and Grand Champion Natural Half Arabian Colt 2-4 AAS US Nationals RNG Show - Extended: 2nd
Native Costume Mini Show Sketches Eagle Creek's OnGoing MiniShow: A quick little mini show Stallion Halter- 2nd
Grand Champion Natural Half-Arabian Colt
WAHA Legion of Honor
Lifetime Earnings
Images By Me:
Training Images by Me:
Images By Others:
Dinar Al-Shama - sold
YHH Commission
Training Images by Others:
Full Pedigree (Real Horses on Sire's Side):
See his sire here:…
Reserved Breedings
Registered With:

WAHA Registration #: H#100
Full-body reference image: 5 pts
Training Pictures: 0 pts
Show Entry: 12 pts
Show Placements: 20 pts
Champion Titles: 0 pts
Best In Show/Judges Choice/Other Special Titles: 0 pts
Leaderboard Points: 0 pts
Total Performance Points: 37 pts
Other Images: 6 pts
Breeding Pictures: 0 pts
WAHA Featured Folder: 0 pts
Lineage: 3 pts
Titled Ancestry: 3 pts
Dam L1
Progeny: 0 pts
Titled Progeny: 0 pts
Total Breeding/In-Hand Points: 12 pts
Total Combined Points: 49 pts
Earned Titles (Confirmed)
Legion of Honor +
Design and information (c) Jian89
No ref used.