Long Island Iced Teacypris-quynh on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cypris-quynh/art/Long-Island-Iced-Tea-6552757cypris-quynh

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cypris-quynh's avatar

Long Island Iced Tea



First i gotta state i didnt invent this image, i just copied it out of a maxim magazine, but man do i ever wish i invented it! my roomie collects maxims and its been a week since i been outta my sling and i was workin on more simpsons stuff b4 i broke my arm so i decided to get to finishing it. this was hard to do cuz the image was split btw 2 pages so when it got to drawing her lower half i think i made her a lil chubby. and the legs are ok, but i'm more happy with how the top half turned out. i wish i was able to draw the rest of the pic cuz it was really cute, it had her lyin on the bed in their room while homer was in the shower and you could see his buttcheeks pressed against the shower glass door! i found marge not too difficult to draw compared to homer, i dunno why but i always find females easier to draw than males, no offense, anyone else get that?lol
marge copyright matt groening
Image size
1447x644px 179.8 KB
© 2004 - 2025 cypris-quynh
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slowdog294's avatar

I got it.

Marge with her hair down. Cute. Doh! Instant :+fav: Well done.
