Cypher7523's avatar


Shaun Caley
97 Watchers107 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

  • June 14
  • United Kingdom
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • He / Him
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (16)
My Bio
Current Residence: Bournemouth, England
Favourite genre of music: Reggae, Dance, DnB, Techno, Rock, Punk, Hip-hop, Ska, Psychadelic ! Anything goes!!
Favourite style of art: Pencil line art and digital colouring.
Operating System: Windows
MP3 player of choice: My sony player, love it !!
Shell of choice: Has to be the classic red shell !!
Wallpaper of choice: Photo of an island from Thailand
Favourite cartoon character: Megatron or Deadpool.. um or no I wont id be here for ever listing...
Personal Quote: Lifes a journey not a race.

Favourite Visual Artist
M C Escher, H R Geiger
Favourite Movies
Can't pick one! Itd be unfair to pick just one, to damn many good films!
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Music is a must in anyones life, I listen to pretty much anything and everything.
Favourite Games
Fancy Pants Adventure
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox360 / PC
Tools of the Trade
Sketchbook, Mechanical pencil, Tablet and Photoshop
Other Interests
Music, Movies, usual stuff also Spinning Poi and sleeping !!

Whats Happening

0 min read
Whats Happening Since my last update again lots has gone on... too much!! In respect to my work ive been doing some commission work, ive produced the cover sleeve and print for a dvd for a professional magician along with posters for him. His names Kasrani and hes mind blowing so check him out! Ive been making costumes for partys and festivles, also been sketching odd bits and bobs, learning to do allot more freehand without reference! Also painting the odd bit and some vectors, cell shades in photoshop, some stencil based spray paint work, anything half decent has been uploaded in the mean time! DA Activity
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See you soon!

0 min read
  Easy come Easy go :typerhappy: Well im moving flat today, just been and picked up my keys and just got home. Pretty damn excited to get moved in. Got a little more to pack now until a friend comes help move my stuff to the new place. This means im not going to have the net again for a while, month or so maybe. Il still be able to check notes etc from work but wont be uploading any work. Not to bad though as I will still be doing bits and bobs, need to finish a animation for ~kyleLuver4 ( which im sure il have ready to upload by the time my nets back, also been asked by a local night club to produce some flyers for them which is great
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Its Alive !!!!

0 min read
  Still Alive And Kicking :typerhappy: Hey hey!! Yeah it went all quite on this front for a little while. For one I maybe lost my mojo and drive for a little bit so wasnt producing anything worth while or above the quality of a 5 year old attacking the living room wall with a crayon, that and I lost my internet connection for a while which decided to grace me with its presence again yesterday! :boogie:  The Future? :plotting: Well I think ive become addicted to sprite animation. Fow how long who knows, so im gonna put the more traditional and digital stuff on the back burner for now and practice more animation, maybe I should invest i
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Profile Comments 208

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Your art is AMAZING!
Have a :iconllama3dplz:!
Haha thanks! Thats epic!
Love the work...
how long did it take you to learn this pixel art animation stuff...???
Thanks allot! sorry about the timely reply, I havn't checked my profile for a while.
To be honest it was applied things I learnt from photoshop, as all my gif animation were done in photoshop, moving them pixel by pixel and creating a new layer each time, then convert layers to frames. A very lengthy and timely process but it allowed me to work at photoshop level when editing when needed.
not a problem... and thanks :)
As I am saying to everyone - I am a little embarrassed I took part in this. Do as you wish in response to you being tagged! [link]