cynderfan35's avatar


King Of Darkness
209 Watchers268 Deviations

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Artist // Hobbyist // Photography
My Bio

*Profile last time updated 9th of September 2024*

Welcome to my DA profile and hopefully you take a good look of my gallery where I upload usually photographs from conventions (cosplay) + meetings where I've been in.

How old are you?

34 years old at the moment


Taranth (name of my dragon sona as well)

Where do you live?

Finland. For sake of my privacy irl I don't give more details here

You single?

for now yes but not interested in having a mate <.<

What kind of things you like?

Dragons (Of course), Furries (judge me based on this and its easiest way to get banned by me <.< ), Watching anime, Playing games with my PS4 or PC (depends on mood), Reading, cosplaying and going to conventions where I can meet new people. I just try cut this list short but don't be scared to approach me to ask do I like something


Trolls. Keep even stealing my socks!

What is your computer OS?

Windows 10 with win7 style

Can you be found from example, Youtube?

Yes. there is link to my Youtube channel below

Whats your real name, Taranth?

only closest friends get to know it.

Whats your Skype?

No longer active that much but available


Yes I got Telegram

Do you got Steam?

Yes but once again note me


Favourite Visual Artist
Too many to list here
Favourite Movies
Would run out of space if would start to list them all :D
Favourite Games
Mostly Racing games but many others too. not listing all
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS4 or PC at the moment. I do have other consoles as well.
Christmas eve is bit over 1 month away and already I've started to bit make first plans for things but I now ask who wants Christmas cards this year from me? I got few people already on the list I send to, just need to bit make sure from those people that address's are accurate still. Want Christmas card? comment to this journal and I will send you note asking details. For countries within Europe deadline is 7th of December, however I will close the possibility for Christmas cards on 27th of November, to give myself enough time for preparing and sending. Sadly its more likely that sending cards outside Europe, they won't make it before Christmas due to the virus that goes around the world, post services will be clogged more than likely ^^'' I try my best for everyone :) Taranth signing out
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Hey I got discord again
^^ well if want, ya can have my discord, I send it in a note for ya :hug:
Hey omg long time no talk!!
yep been long time, can't remember last time ^^'