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Cycangfx's Render Pack



I am proud to present you the Cycangfx's Render Pack. They can be used in signatures, wallpapers, splashes, and anything else as long as you dont claim that the Renders Are yours. If you use them or download them please watch me and fav them. I hope this will be a great help. All the renders were made in Cenima 4D, they were edited in photoshop and are 9 in total. Their names are:

1. Bomberment
2. Crashler
3. Impertent
4. Jolt
5. Mysirce
6. Sclicer
7. Sickle
8. Skort
9. Srachter
© 2006 - 2024 cycangfx
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AzzzRAEL's avatar
The preview looks hawt. I'm gonna download it.