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cyberdemonThree's avatar

Male to female bodysuit disguise : part-timer



(Forced) Part-timer on beach. Handling out pamphlets at beach for his sister's Restaurant.
Unfortunately he has to be 'locked' in that girl skinsuit At least for 8 hours feeling heat wave..

Second cut : "You'd be better not escape this time~" "sob"
Third cut : "Take this~ huff.. huff.."
Fourth cut : "Don't..." "giggle"
(Not sure if those are correct english onomatopoeic words or not..-_-;;)

Actually, I was planning to draw second page of this 2 months ago. But I cancelled it due to research things in my lab.. there is only a sketched continuity of second page.…

Here's the URL. (google photo. I think the Picasa became vanished..;; ) 
Image size
1400x2078px 2.02 MB
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