Aquanox mini Icon Setcyberchaos05 on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

December 8, 2006
Aquanox mini Icon Set by =cyberchaos05 is a beautiful little set of icons. The reflections on the search, pc and recycle bins are particularly lovely, and the sleek appeal of the design makes me pine for more.
Featured by livius
Suggested by ipholio
cyberchaos05's avatar

Aquanox mini Icon Set



This icon set was supposed to be released as a complete system replacement icon set but unfortunately due to lack of time I couldn't continue designing the rest of icons and I was forced to put the progress on hold. After receiving a lot messages from people asking me to release the icons, I finally decided to release what I've made so far as a mini icon set, I may get back to designing again in future. There you go! :D

Aquanox visual style

Aquanox winamp skin

Aquanox mini icon set for mac
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