TLoZ Four Paws: Green LinkCyanideKandies on DeviantArt

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TLoZ Four Paws: Green Link



Green Link from The Leyend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures

:iconkittydivider2plz::iconkittydividergreenplz: Mioshiro as Green Link


:bulletgreen: All the kittens have found new homes as I wasn't able to keep them, they however stayed in pairs. Cherry Death is now leaving with her sister Yoko.
:bulletgreen: No, they don't fit the costumes anymore because they became fat, lazy cats
:bulletgreen: The sword and shield are made up of "balsa wood" and the clothes were made from spandex so they were not heavy or uncomfortable, however the kitties did dislike the fact of having the clothes on. They did not wore them for long, around 5 minutes each for the photos to be taken
:bulletgreen: My friend ~LaviMoeDoe helped me distracting the kitties with yarn so they will stay still while I took the photos.


Photo & clothes..................*MQuiros
Props................................*Man9u & *MQuiros

[The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures © Nintendo]

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Windykat200's avatar
so cute!! two of my fave things!!