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Years Ago

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anonymous's avatar
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Well, that was fast- I'm in! However, I was just going through the posts in here and, mostly, it is complaints about non-acceptance of submissions and general grousing about grievances. I was hoping to get some dialogue about the show we all love- anyone interested?
I just submitted my join request and hope it will be accepted. I am a Day 1 Supernatural fan and my favourite episodes are "Fan Fiction", the 200th episode, and "Lebanon" from Season 14 guest starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan. My favourite character is Bobby Singer( the original, not the alternate world one). My knowledge may not rival most other fans but I definitely do love this show- please tell me this is not the final season , I'm not ready to let go! Thanks and happy hunting!
If anyone is interested in doing a Supernatural themed roleplay, please send me a note or join me here - . I'm always open to rping! :D
{OOc; See you roleplay, interested in a SPN rp?}

Hi, I just came from purgatory and moved in. Umm...I made some....questionable pie and brought you a slice....K bye....
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