Blackheart MonCwK on DeviantArt

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Blackheart Mon



Neville O'Riley Livingston, better known as Bunny Wailer, he is the only one of the three original Wailers still living today. Born April 10, 1947, in Kingston, Jamaica, nicknamed Bunny, he was one of Robert Nesta Marley's earliest childhood friends, attending Stepney School together in Nine Miles. He eventually left the Wailers citing religious reasons, and fear of flying. He has created a few of his own albums, the very first one being: "Blackheart Man". Bunny has been living in Jamaica since, and today is a respected elder in the reggae scene.

Bunny Wailer,

Thanks 4 looking.

[link] <~ref. pic.

*edit* softened lips, tried to make him look more stoned, extended the left side of his beard slightly, and shaded the background a lil bit better. oh yeah, also added a title and sig.
wailers set 3 of 3
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870x1241px 1.01 MB
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itsonlypopmom's avatar


this is really good work. I reposted it on my blog, hope that's ok. Please tell me if not.

Bunny Wailer (Neville O’Reilley Livingston) 1947-2021 | it's only pop, mom!it's only pop, mom!

RIP Bunny