Dissidia: Final Fantasy ::01Cvy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cvy/art/Dissidia-Final-Fantasy-01-133573396Cvy

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Cvy's avatar

Dissidia: Final Fantasy ::01



Is the first time I.. morbidly enjoy making this costume (never enjoy sewing, progress etc) although the amount of details are insane and I missed out a few more details and made many mistakes with the proportion.

And I think I gained like, 4kg while in this getup, the hat itself weighs 1kg. But all's worth, my teammates were all so fantastic!! (And I wish to have more Dissidia mates, join? anyone?)


From a PSP game, Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Affiliated Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Onion Knight (Final Fantasy III) - *Cvy
Costume and prop made by me.


Dissidia Mates♥:
Terra Branford (Final Fantasy VI) - *koshinaka
Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX) - ~gk-reiko
Kuja (Final Fantasy IX) - ~ashteyz


The Multi-taskers♥ (Helper & Photography etc)
~BanditYinG & *Kanasaiii

~p7m13, *songster69, *vgwong


This photo taken by *songster69
Image size
770x608px 212.68 KB
© 2009 - 2025 Cvy
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MiYoung-Ko's avatar
Luneth!! Amazing!