Storm and GrimmCValenzuela on DeviantArt

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CValenzuela's avatar

Storm and Grimm



Inking The Thing in this piece was really fun, some kind of therapy. I really like this character!... well, and what can I say about Sue Storm? she's gorgeous and stunning, period! :)
Hope you like it!
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© 2011 - 2025 CValenzuela
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suerichardsff's avatar
You are quite gifted, hon, especially the way You have capture Benjamin in this pose with Sue. With her all one has to do is do her face & body and most folks don't look past her beauty so she is almost always easy to draw. However with the Thing it's much harder with the rocky features & the shadowing of just his 'skin' alive would take hours to get right, which You,  my friend, utterly nailed it! Well done, hon.....KUDOS! 😙

In another reality or plane of existence or realm it's possible that Ben  & Susan are together and if I was going to do a story about them as a couple I'd ask You to include this in that scenario. You are exceedingly talented. hugs! Susan xoxoxox 👱💋😗