Viva Las PegasusCutePencilCase on DeviantArt

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Viva Las Pegasus



Well, let me explain this a little, I joined MLP Drawing School on Discord today, and it was really nice after my inability to reply on the beggining, though I wasn't super communicative or anything, I mostly just sat back and saw things go

At one point someone asked for a pallete (I didn't know I could do that but ok) and they were given two sites to go to, of which I choose this one: I choose two colors at random and it happened to be yellow and pink so I did the art for the episode, since I would have to do it today anyway

I wanted to only use the colors that were given to me (that might not be right way to use this things, but this was my first time using anything like this) so I used a semi transparent brush so that there weren't just block of different colors (and so that I could use the dark grey to shade the yellow)

I imagine this would be a nice thing to use while deciding colors for a OC

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