Dress-a-Cupcake Gamecuteordeath on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cuteordeath/art/Dress-a-Cupcake-Game-39855863cuteordeath

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Dress-a-Cupcake Game



Here you can decorate your own cupcake! This is a bit more complex than my last game. Click the buttons along the bottom to change the frosting, then add your decorations! There are thousands of possible combinations! Feel free to send me screenshots of your creations! :heart:

Edit: Thanks so much to everyone for all your favs and nice comments! I really appreciate it!

Edit #2: I've noticed this game, or screenshots from it showing up around the 'net lately, so as a disclaimer, I have not given permission for this game to be displayed on any site except for Deviant Art and my website, [link]. You may upload screenshots of your creations to your Deviant Art account or personal site ONLY if you give credit and provide a clear link to either this page, or [link]. If you see this game posted anywhere else, please send me a message with the link.
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550x400px 18.71 KB
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