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Glamorous Spygirl Jennifer



After watching waaaay too much Nikita David commissioned me to make an avatar for his computer Jennifer. To make her extra girly, I gave her the tinted guns, which it turns out, are really a thing. (Hey, why not?) I originally planned to give her a necklace with multicolored crystals, but decided against it because I felt that she did not need further ornamentation. Instead of basing her off of Maggie Q, I based Jennifer's appearance off of Ayumi Hamasaki. But I gave Jennifer more of a bust and more muscle than Ayu-chan to hint that there's a toned, trained body under that embroidered little dress.

I am ridiculously happy with how I rendered the teeth. I took a bit of an experiment on doing so and it came out wonderfully, I think. I'm glad I made the effort of trying because she looks so much better than I'd originally thought. Honey blond hair is kind of hard to get right because it's actually so many different colors depending on how the light hits it. So I'm happy she came out looking gorgeous!

She's a step up in a number of ways from Digital Secretary Sophie and I'm happy about that. My next commissioned piece is a lot more difficult since the client requesting it left 'how' and most of the appearance up to me and I'm hoping to get it the way I have in my head.
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4864x7112px 26.92 MB
© 2015 - 2024 cutelildrow
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Draegos's avatar
Now this really is a big step forward; it's a lot more advanced than most of the stuff I've seen you attempt.  Wow, that looks cool.

The pose is great, but I hardly noticed because the face grabbed my attention immediately.  I don't think I've ever seen a face quite this real-looking from you before.  From the natural way her teeth are gritted to impression of the nose, the proportions on that face are just perfect.  Wow.

And the hair obviously took some time.  It's easy for that much detail to make the hair look off or wrong, like it doesn't fit in the same picture.  Takes a lot of work to make it look so natural with the rest of the image.  Light sources all clearly defined and consistent.  Look at all that detail.

Slinky dress, very pretty.  I see some shading details in there that'd be easy to miss, but give her some needed depth.

I really do like the pose the most, because it's complicated and dynamic, and looks perfectly natural.  I can see how her weight is shifted.  It gives her a sense of motion, like she's just touched down or stopped for a moment before she continues her dash and akimbo gunning.

Personally, I think the shoes and fingernails could use a little shine effect or something.  They look really static compared to the radiant bombast of the rest of this lady.  And the pistols... are those photos?  Or digital paintings?  I really can't tell.

Very capable tribute to the spygirls of the 60's.  She looks a lot more competent than most of those arm-candy ladies, though, I'll note.  Glamorous and dangerous.