Callista Wildcat (Custom Yu-Gi-Oh! Card)CurtisWildcat on DeviantArt

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CurtisWildcat's avatar

Callista Wildcat (Custom Yu-Gi-Oh! Card)



This card was created using the Yugioh Card Maker. The link can be found below for anyone interested.

The artwork in this card was created by :iconrocioam7:, with the full-sized picture linked to below. Credit where credit is due.

I slapped this one together out of boredom, much like a lot of my other stuff. I thought a little bit as to how Callista's obsessive shopping habits and light-quick reflexes would translate into a monster card, and this is what happened. I like to think that assorted Magic cards would be required to bring out the full extent of her abilities, however, so I left most of them off.

Callista is a glass cannon by definition: hits hard and fast, but her defense is poor. Her abilities are what bump her up from 4 stars to 6.

If you're coming into this blind, Callista's a mutant human/Delcatty hybrid with traces of space alien genetics. Zero context is good context. >^_^< The background in her artwork is based on photos of the Fairlane Town Center in Michigan.

Image size
419x610px 440.3 KB
© 2021 - 2025 CurtisWildcat
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