A very Gorey ASOIAFabetCurtana on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/curtana/art/A-very-Gorey-ASOIAFabet-136221073Curtana

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A very Gorey ASOIAFabet



A collaboration by me (words) and kaleadora (art). ASOIAF in the style of Edward Gorey!

EDIT 11/16/2012: Thanks for the hits, reddit/io9/FB visitors! Please note that Kaleadora did the art, and that we collaborated on this back in 2009, so things covered in A Dance with Dragons (or on the HBO show for that matter) are obviously not included. And, as I thought would be clear due to the tongue-in-cheek nature of the work, but apparently needs to be clearer - not all of these are real/canonical, so please don't bother to complain that so-and-so isn't really dead, or didn't die in the way mentioned in the poem - I probably just picked them because their name started with the right letter and I could think of a rhyme. Thanks again for the nice comments!
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350x7791px 3.42 MB
© 2009 - 2025 Curtana
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Sierraness23's avatar
This is basically the best thing I've ever seen. Two of my favorite things in one.
You officially win everything.