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500!! Point Giveaway! (CLOSED) by Chibi-Cola-SkyWolf62, journal

  • United States
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
My Bio
Current Residence: North Carolina
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Medium
Favourite genre of music: Rock
Operating System: Microsoft
MP3 player of choice: IPod
Shell of choice: Conche
Wallpaper of choice: Retro
Favourite cartoon character: Bubbles

Favourite Visual Artist
Leonardo Da Vinci
Favourite Movies
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Writers
Stephenie Meyer
Favourite Games
World Of Warcraft
Favourite Gaming Platform
X-Box 360
Other Interests
World of Warcraft, Movies
It was an early Monday morning as she looked across the meadow, her eyes gleaming against the morning light. The scent of wildflowers soaring past her.  Maybe Lillys, maybe roses, or maybe even the pink lotus from across the meadow. She sat on the bough and whistled excitedly to her neighbors. She knew most of her neighbors.  She didn't know their names, or where exactly they were from, but she certainly enjoyed their company just as much and they probably enjoyed hers. She enjoyed the light breeze coming from the east and imagined she was far far away, flying with the wind. She quickly looked up and saw the eagle soaring to its prey.
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What is pain? 1) Pain is loving someone so much you put yourself through hell and back just to prove you love them. 2) Pain in knowing there isn't a single thing you can do to change the things that happen. 3) Pain is that feeling you get when wish nothing more than to reach out to someone but you know, deep inside, that nothing will change their actions. 4) Pain is fearing the worst and expecting nothing less. 5) Pain is crying to yourself to sleep night after night for the things you could have done to make things better when in reality, there IS nothing you could have done. 6) Pain is being unable to find the joy in the most beau
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Profile Comments 20

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thanks so much for the llama!! :D
Of  course :D  A Llama a day keeps the bad guys away  :D  hehehehe
-tackle hugs- found ya school buddy! don't forget to bring your camera wednesday so we can record Hazeez [probably spelt wrong]!
Thanks for the fave!