CsmcVisn's avatar


The Cosmic Vision
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (45)
My Bio
Web and graphic designer by trade. Space artist by heart. Mother of two by necessity. You would not believe the balancing act.

Current Residence: City of Pierce
Favorite genre of music: On the 70s/80s mark is absolute bliss
Favorite style of art: The kind from the heart. You can really tell when someone puts every fiber of their being into conveying a message without words.
Operating System: 10. Definitely 10. Definitely.
Shell of choice: Nautilus, as it resembles the Fibonacci sequence
Skin of choice: My own.
Personal Quote: "Love and Hate Are Two Sides of the Same Cookie" ~Yours Truly

Favourite Movies
Pirates of the Caribbean
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Fleetwood Mac
Favourite Writers
Anne McCaffrey and Edgar Allen Poe
Favourite Games
"Hide the Pickle" HA!! >_<
Favourite Gaming Platform
XBox One, although getting in PC
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop CS6, Apophysis, my noggin
Other Interests
Web Design, Photography, Reading, D&D, M:tG, Video Games
I'm terribly sorry I haven't been on much/at all in the last I don't know how long. The ending of my pregnancy and beginning of motherhood have taken a great toll on my body, emotions, and especially my time. But I would not trade it for anything in this lifetime. My son has and will come first from now on. So, I have finally gotten him on a solid schedule and caught myself up on the sleep I'd missed at the beginning of his life. Things have finally settled from a vortex of chaotic days and sleepless nights to a predictability, to which he and I both cling. I am finally coming off my pregnancy hormones, and feel more and more myself every day
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Karson Phoenix

0 min read
I thought I'd jump on here and let everyone know we're expecting a little boy. It was pretty darn apparent on the ultrasound that a son is on the way, &nbsp;much to the pride of my fiance. You'd think he did that all by himself. :P I think we came to a decision for the name of our son: Karson Phoenix. I would LOVE to buy some phoenix prints on here to frame for the nursery, but so far the only non-drawing submission on here is: http://fav.me/d1gl1xy And it's not even a print!! :( Oh well, back to the drawing board I spose. It's been busy, if not hectic in my little world lately. My nesting instinct kicked in about three weeks ago. Believe it o
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How Ironic!

0 min read
So the last time I wrote on here, I was joking around about being pregnant... Heh....yeah :| So this time, I kinda sorta...really AM pregnant! I got it confirmed today. They said my estimated due date is November 15th, 2010. Which I think is WAY too soon. But they said they'd tell me for sure when I get my first ultrasound. I'm slowly coming around to the idea of being pregnant, despite what I thought would happen ( = massive depression, regret, etc.). And my fiance is taking it even better than me, I think. He's all proud to be a Daddy... Granted, I'm still not sure I'll be a good mom, but I know I'll be around here more often now! It's
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Profile Comments 302

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Hey I used a texture of you for a drawing:  Planeta by piturantonio   hope you like it :)
Thanks for the fave Beth!
Happy birthday! :D
Haha, thank ya bud!!
Thx for more favs, thought you've given up the art to raise your son? :P
Not a chance! :) Just less time to dedicate here.