Thanks! I was a little worried going in about stepping on toes with IP since I'm essentially taking all the game data and making it available online for people who haven't bought it, so hearing from LGM officially about you guys liking it is great. My day job is as a mechanical engineer in a large corporation working on stuff that's usually marked proprietary and export controlled, so I'm cautious by nature about anything that a lawyer might take issue with.
I appreciate the offer of the fan kit, but I am trying to keep it fast loading so I'll probably just grab color schemes from it and stay away from images where unnecessary (that's where my engineer side overrides the creative side).
I had been holding off on publicizing my site it since it's still very much a WIP, but apparently it's usable enough for people to enjoy already
- I hope people are understanding when I'm playing around and break things temporarily in the process. Cheers!