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[insert nifty title here]
89 Watchers177 Deviations

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Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (67)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
My Bio
Chainmaille enthusiast and hobby photographer in my spare time, Mechanical Engineer for my real job.

Favourite Visual Artist
Van Gogh
Favourite Movies
The Truman Show
Favourite TV Shows
Dr. Who, Penn & Teller: Bullshit!, The Big Bang Theory
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Writers
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Pliers, Bolt cutters, a fractal generator, and POV-Ray.
Other Interests
Chainmaille, Programming, Theater tech
As some of you may have noticed, I've been uploading more photography than maille recently. That's because I've been lazy and haven't made maille recently, but carrying my camera around is easy. Don't worry, I'll be making more eventually. I'm not pretending I'm a good photographer or anything here, just trying to get better, I know the quality of my maille is above that of the pictures at this point. Hopefully any learned skill will carry over to making the maille pictures look better too. This update is mainly to remove the giant wall of text though.
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#1: dA Journal Skins     dA is all about art, showcasing your unique interpretations of everything from daily life to extraordinary fanciful concepts. That being said, the website itself has its own look and tends to fit together in a way that makes it easy to see specific items and find what you want to look at. When someone goes and puts a giant box on the top right corner of their page that is a completely different color than everything around it, it naturally draws the eye. When that eye is drawn to something new and interesting, like a new picture you just posted, that's great. When it's drawn to some fugly box of text full o
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Color Schemes

0 min read
Darn. My t-shirt that says "gay? fine by me." is red, not purple. Guess that means I'm not really showing my support and I'm a horrible person. Blame the LGBT office at my Alma Mater, they gave them out in a rainbow of colors instead of just purple. All real issues aside, it's good to see that damn "Try MURO!!!!!!111!!!11!one1one" button gone and replaced with something a bit less irritating. I have never and will never draw or ink anything on the computer, and all graphics programs I use are for editing externally generated images. So please dA, STFU about your fancy little paint program and/or put it in a container that I can hide.
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Profile Comments 59

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thanks for watchin=)
Man, who are you? :) 
I've seen your Starpoint Gemini 2 site, that is awesome, more accurate then wiki. As a part of LGM team I can just say thank you! We really appreciate that and we didn't even knew about it till today. That's a damn fine work! We will feature it on Facebook and Twitter in a few days. :)

Feel free to use our logos, art and headers if you wanna give it a cosmetic makeover. :D
starpointgemini.com/ (On the bottom left side you have Press Kit download). Of course, you don't need to if you wanna keep the page ultra fast. :)

Thanks! I was a little worried going in about stepping on toes with IP since I'm essentially taking all the game data and making it available online for people who haven't bought it, so hearing from LGM officially about you guys liking it is great. My day job is as a mechanical engineer in a large corporation working on stuff that's usually marked proprietary and export controlled, so I'm cautious by nature about anything that a lawyer might take issue with. ;) I appreciate the offer of the fan kit, but I am trying to keep it fast loading so I'll probably just grab color schemes from it and stay away from images where unnecessary (that's where my engineer side overrides the creative side).

I had been holding off on publicizing my site it since it's still very much a WIP, but apparently it's usable enough for people to enjoy already :) - I hope people are understanding when I'm playing around and break things temporarily in the process. Cheers!
thanks for the +watch=)
Hi there! Thank you for the favorite on our scale maille =)
thanks for Faving my TARDIS lamp.