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Aphex Egg Hunt Event!



Surprise! Our Easter Event is here! Get your compasses ready, we're going hunting! 

Ends 1st May!


Join us for our first trip to the shallows of the Harrow!

Four has discovered Aphex eggs on the fringe of the Harrow and is happy to guide you to fetch them! 
He warns they may be affected by the Harrows energy, who knows what they will hatch into?
There are three different types of eggs discovered.

Screenshot 20190112-103458 Chromesa by CrypticKoi Screenshot 20190112-103458 Chromes by CrypticKoi Screenshot 20190112-103458 Chromesas by CrypticKoi

It is your mission to venture forth and face your fears to find these eggs! Fortune awaits!

There are up to three prompts you can complete in a chance to win more prizes! 
If completing only one of these prompts, it must be the first.

1. Draw your Aphex getting ready for an adventure!

2. Draw your Aphex searching for eggs or facing a challenge! Be it a
beast or obstacle!

3. Draw your Aphex either with the found eggs.

These prompts at-least need to be a bust and shaded as bare minimum. It doesn't require a background. 
You can have all three prompts on the same image, or as a story board!
If you are aiming to complete one or two prompts, the eggs will be randomized as prizes! 
Completing all three ensures you will receive all eggs. 
Eggs can not be traded. 
Please reply below to receive prizes. If you've already completed one please state this so you dont get the same egg!
No AC bonus for this event.
Do not have an aphex? You can draw any of these  or ask someone to draw theirs!

Prizes | Important Info!
Before the end date you have a choice! 
You can either sell your eggs for 100AC each. 
OR you can offer to trade them in for a chance to be in a raffle for the Aphex that hatches from the egg!
These will only be revealed after the end date. 
You need to state if you want to keep or sell the eggs once you receive them!

Good luck! 

Image size
2930x2552px 6.42 MB
© 2019 - 2024 CrypticKoi
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MorgueGhost's avatar
1. Draw your Aphex getting ready for an adventure! 
Egg Hunt by demonnephilim

I hope I'm not late