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Daily Deviation

November 3, 2009
Delicious and unique, what more can I ask for? Experimental Typography Candy by ~crymz
Featured by Sander-Seto
crymz's avatar

Experimental Typography Candy



University Assignment.
Typography project.

This is the final piece of a project where i was required to design my own font with any material and assign an appropriate message to go with that font. I opted to go for the amazing medium of candy. I wanted to go for something original and colorful.I spent the last two weeks researching the best candy around to work with, and eating a lot of it along the way.I also shaped the font in the style of the famous Avant Garde Gothic type font(which took ages).

I Spent the whole week shaping and photographing the individual letters and finally compositing them together in PS.

Thinking about submitting this for an actual official font later to be sold,could be quite popular. Never worked so hard in such a small amount of time but it was worth it. Peace.

P.S. if anyone has a ffffound membership could they plz invite mee!.thanks

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also check out the whole alphabet :thumb142133195:

Edit 03/11/09 : OMG a second Daily Deviation this is ridiculous. so many people to thank for the comments & faves it's soo appreciated you don't understand :D.. big thank you again to :iconsander-seto: :worship: thanks for the opportunity again man. :woohoo: . Oh Yeah and I got this on the 2nd anniversary of me joining DA..f**kin Awesome.IWon'tStop
Image size
7441x10524px 49.23 MB
© 2009 - 2024 crymz
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JanetheKind's avatar
Wow This is so cool! :)