cryingsoul85's avatar


Dreaming U in my Paintigs
30 Watchers71 Deviations
hello people:)

one year has passed since i joined dA:) so today is my first dAbirthday:)

this was a full year for me, with a lot of hope, happyness, sadness and all the things:)

i wanna thank you all who helped me with my work, who faved, commented and the biggest thanks goes to all my watchers:) you are the ones that kept me going:)
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we get older

1 min read
Hello there people,

like the little title up there says, time passes and we get older. dont know if this is something to be happy of or to be sad. well hell knows:) but what i know is that in
15 days i will be 1 year old:D one dA birthday, my fisrt:D on this 15th:D yeyyyy:)
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in need of Help

1 min read
hello all,

i havent updated my jurnal in a while:D

and now i need a bit of help from you:)

in the last month i have been searching for some "Perspectiv Tutorials", the kind of tutorials that teach u about perspectiv points in 2D painting, the ones that are usualy made in arhitecture and scenary schetching drawing and painting...

the help that i need is if any of you know about this kind of tutorials, please link them to me, or if u see in the future. as it is sayed, many do a better joc than one in searching:)

please help me with this, i realy need to get better in perspectiv paintings, so i can work on my backgrounds that usualy lack from my paintings:(
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"Violation Report update for your deviation 'gaia's starting to cry'   From: ^devart
Date: Feb 1, 2009, 12:18:54 AM
Your deviation gaia's starting to cry was reported for Art theft (General). The report was reviewed by a member of the Staff and action was taken, deleting the deviation and marking the report as Resolved. Additionally, the following comment was provided:

Upon review a member of staff determined that this deviation included copyrighted content used without permission. Removed as a violation of deviantART copyright policy.

This message was generated automatically.

-- deviantART Staff

"From: ^devart
Date: Feb 1, 2009, 12:18:54 AM
The administrator who deleted your deviation added the following:

Deleted in response to case #137888

The work(s) listed below have been removed by staff as a violation of the deviantART copyright policy. Your deviantART submissions must consist entirely of your own work or valid stock resources and must not include works from copyrighted sources.

Please read our Copyright Policy and if you have any questions or believe this removal to be an error please contact the deviantART Help Desk

Title: gaia's starting to cry
URL: [link]
Submitted: 2008-07-02 12:06:21 am

This message has been generated automatically, if you need additional assistance, please visit the Help Desk

this  are 2 notes i got this weekend....i cant belive what i am reading...why? who and when?

that was one of my first tryes to manipulate a photo...i linked to the owner of the original, i linked to the owner of the tutorial i used and i sent comments to both of them to take a look. the owner of the photo even liked my manip and comented and faved it...

now after a loooong time i get this 2 notes telling me that my deviation was deleted do to the fact of copyrights...what????

who ????????? who the hell had the guts to mark my deviation as a copyrights violation...even when the owner of the original photo aproved my photo manip? who is that stupid?

ine other thing that i hate right now is the stupid system that dA come u delete someones deviation without even asking for his part of the story? how come? i dont have the rght to protect myself?

one other thing that i think makes this absurd is that that manip was part of a set!

"gaia's starting to cry" was a set with  

"playing with a beauty1"…
"playing with a beauty2"…

if gaia got deleted because of the theft, why didnt the other 2 got erased??

please tell me what to do in this case...its stupid and incorect:(

dA u are a big dissapointment if this is the way u work things out
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today i just saw a movie serie made by some wow lovers "adicts"

the movie is "Tales Of the Past" in 3 parts writen directed and edited by Martin Falch.
What can i say about it...well id u love the story line of the game, if u love fantasy heroic movies, if u love heros just take a look, i think u will be stuned. The movie hase a different story line than the Warcraft games and all the Warcraft novels...but it well done realy put in a sceen. the fisrt movie is a bit "cheep" but as it goes t the next parts it gets better and better, i think they got some help from profesional film makers or something...the difference is huge!
all parts have a total of 3.22 GB and u can finde them on or on youtube.

i advice u to take a look if u love the thing above.

as a thanks for Martin Falch, who did a splendid job on this i will try to make a funart.

i know i have the other projects opened, like the lock sketch and the Watchers project(u can find info in previeus jurnal…) but this cant get away without at least a funart.

For Martin Falch: u did a great joc on this man and i bow to your story telling skills and to the way that u gave this tale a video to increase the efect. If i ware u i would sell the story ro a real movie maker for a profit. dnt know what blizzard has to say:D that is waht u have to find out (dont know if he is on this site or if he is ever gonna see this jurnal but its worth to try:D)

excuse my bad english...i am tired but this i had to say now...not tomorow:D

DONE ->… <- please comment on this painting
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one year has passed...... by cryingsoul85, journal

we get older by cryingsoul85, journal

in need of Help by cryingsoul85, journal

PLS read this jurnal and tell me what i should do by cryingsoul85, journal

For All World Of Warcraft lovers out There by cryingsoul85, journal