"Violation Report update for your deviation 'gaia's starting to cry' From: ^devart
Date: Feb 1, 2009, 12:18:54 AM
Your deviation gaia's starting to cry was reported for Art theft (General). The report was reviewed by a member of the Staff and action was taken, deleting the deviation and marking the report as Resolved. Additionally, the following comment was provided:
Upon review a member of staff determined that this deviation included copyrighted content used without permission. Removed as a violation of deviantART copyright policy.
This message was generated automatically.
-- deviantART Staff
"From: ^devart
Date: Feb 1, 2009, 12:18:54 AM
The administrator who deleted your deviation added the following:
Deleted in response to case #137888
The work(s) listed below have been removed by staff as a violation of the deviantART copyright policy. Your deviantART submissions must consist entirely of your own work or valid stock resources and must not include works from copyrighted sources.
Please read our Copyright Policy and if you have any questions or believe this removal to be an error please contact the deviantART Help Desk
Title: gaia's starting to cry
URL: [link]
Submitted: 2008-07-02 12:06:21 am
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this are 2 notes i got this weekend....i cant belive what i am reading...why? who and when?
that was one of my first tryes to manipulate a photo...i linked to the owner of the original, i linked to the owner of the tutorial i used and i sent comments to both of them to take a look. the owner of the photo even liked my manip and comented and faved it...
now after a loooong time i get this 2 notes telling me that my deviation was deleted do to the fact of copyrights...what????
who ????????? who the hell had the guts to mark my deviation as a copyrights violation...even when the owner of the original photo aproved my photo manip? who is that stupid?
ine other thing that i hate right now is the stupid system that dA come u delete someones deviation without even asking for his part of the story? how come? i dont have the rght to protect myself?
one other thing that i think makes this absurd is that that manip was part of a set!
"gaia's starting to cry" was a set with
"playing with a beauty1"…"playing with a beauty2"…if gaia got deleted because of the theft, why didnt the other 2 got erased??
please tell me what to do in this case...its stupid and incorect
dA u are a big dissapointment if this is the way u work things out