cryingsoul85 on DeviantArt

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cryingsoul85's avatar

Rose Red V2



this is the second version of a "fast" painting i did a few days ago "Rose for Ciulamix" [link]

i did this because :iconladyvixenc: told me in a comment (and i thank her for that) that the painting was to blurry and was disturbing...well that was a fast painting...had no time to work on to much i did this one...i took my time with it and this is what came out out of the old rose...what do u think now? better, good, bad, worst...scale it from 1 to 10 and comment why that mark:D hope u will do this for me:D

comments are verry welcomed but critique is needed and respected:D
Image size
2500x3479px 1.23 MB
© 2009 - 2024 cryingsoul85
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valenn-IV's avatar
All shapes are great, color is pretty good balanced, but there are few highlights which look too blurred or look patterned(like posterized). But whole image makes good impression