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War Chronicles: retribution pg 65



And so the final Adept steps onto the stage! And gets his introduction card. ^^'
It feels weird to give a character an introduction card this late into the story, but before this Venom was either just standing in the background or not really doing anything important. At least here it has impact. Oh well.
Also, for those who were wondering what happened to Celestia after the end of WC:invasion, here's your answer. She did not have the best of days...

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War Chronicles: retribution pg 64 by Crydius
War Chronicles: retribution pg 66 by Crydius
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goldorakx69's avatar
Is only a mader of time celestia get free, venom control her body but not her spirit, is only a mader of time she fond a way to escape! in marval many a fond a way of get out of venom and is not only with super sonic sound!