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War Chronicles: retribution pg 63



And with that, we end our little flashback, and wait for Twilight to answer this one question that may change everything. Alright, backstory's done. Everyone in the comments judge away. I know a couple of you have been really wanting to. ^^'
And so, considering this is one of the biggest cliffhangers I have done yet, this would be the perfect time to take a break. :devilish:
Seriously though, I never planned to do this many pages on WC in one go. Goes to show there's quite a bit of people invested in the story. I'm really happy to see that.  
But now I'm taking a little break and maybe work on something else for a while. Not sure what yet. See you all then!

Enjoy and comment.
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Got questions about the overall storyline or missed some events before this ? Make sure to check the comic section :…

War Chronicles: retribution pg 62 by Crydius
War Chronicles: retribution pg 64 by Crydius
First page :…
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DarthRevan54321's avatar

This kinda reminds me of a plot by Vandal savage in one DC story (forget which one) but basically he tries to frame the justice league and spark an Interplanetary war to force societal and technological evolution believing that earth has become stagnant under the League’s protection