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War Chronicles : retribution pg 42



And we're back !

Continuing on with the Star Wars arc and going deeper into the backstory of general grievous and how he came to be an Adept. A couple of references to the movies and stuff but nothing too important, I think you get the gist even without having seen them. Otherwise, well, you have the internet.

Grievous, you're awesome and all, but DUDE are you a chore to draw... All the limbs, and joints and crazy symmetry... I don't know who designed Grievous but man, they must have had a blast.

As always, enjoy.
Don't steal or share without asking first.

Got questions about the overall storyline or missed some events before this ? Make sure to check the comic section :…

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War Chronicles : retribution pg 41 by Crydius
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War Chronicles : retribution pg 43 by Crydius
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gamewizard-2008's avatar
I wish you all the best, buddy. X3