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War Chronicles : retribution pg 40



Page 40 up and running !
Ugh, sorry this took so long guys. Everything's been happing at the same time over here.

So we have Daren doing the whole Jedi mumbo jumbo routine. (you have no idea how hard it is to explain "the Force" in as little words as possible.) Giving Applejack some more context on Star Wars lore. And of course a glimps at our new enemies.

I don't own Star Wars nor MLP, yadda yadda, you know how it goes.

As always, enjoy.
Don't steal or share without asking first.

Got questions about the overall storyline or missed some events before this ? Make sure to check the comic section :…

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War Chronicles : retribution pg 39 by Crydius
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War Chronicles : retribution pg 41 by Crydius
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gamewizard-2008's avatar
We get to see a badass Jedi in action?!