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War Chronicles : retribution pg 39



And we're back ! Ready to take on the next arc !
It was a close race between the Doctor, Derpy and Pinkie and AJ, Rarity and Daren Krest. But the latter ended up with the most votes !
And as you all can see it looks like general Grievous has set his sights on this group of heroes. As one might expect the next arc is probably gonna be very Star Wars heavy so if you don't know the overal plot of the movies you might have a few questions along the way. Don't be afraid to ask around, there are tons of fans here, myself included. ^^

Also, I don't own Star Wars, all these characters belong to Disney and their respective owners, yadda yadda...
The first two panels are also literally quoted from Revenge of the Sith, so credit goes to that.

As always, enjoy.
Don't steal or share without asking first.

Got questions about the overall storyline or missed some events before this ? Make sure to check the comic section :…

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gamewizard-2008's avatar
General Grievous still holds on to his dreams!!