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War Chronicles : retribution pg 38



And so we come full circle. ... kind of...
To everyone who's read "WC : Flight of Fear" this ending will have quite a bit of meaning. The P33 device from Resident Evil makes its return and Scarecrow gets an upgrade to his Arkham Knight outfit. And with that we leave our two pegasi and the hero of time.

Perhaps a bit of a "bad ending" as some games give you, but naturally this story arc continues later. As you know by now I have a thing for cliffhangers. It keeps my readers on their toes. :devilish:

This means next up is the start of a new story arc.
ATTENTION : just like last time I have uploaded a "select your story"-pic on which you will be able to vote on the next story. This can be found here :…
Make sure to leave a vote !

As always, enjoy.
Don't steal or share without asking first.

Got questions about the overall storyline or missed some events before this like "Flight of Fear" ? Make sure to check the comic section :…

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War Chronicles : retribution pg 37 by Crydius
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War Chronicles : retribution pg 39 by Crydius
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gamewizard-2008's avatar
Time to make a monster pony!!