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War Chronicles : retribution page 45



Daren shares his last words of wisdom.
...Which is something dying Jedi just seem to do.

We pick up the story, after a while, continuing with Applejack's development. Those who remember page 25 may already have figured out that each storylne confronts the mane six with their mentioned flaws. Fluttershy faced off aganst Scarecrow to over come her fear, though whether or not she did is up for debate, Rainbow Dash's arrogance got her smacked by Slenderman and now we'll see if Applejack's pride will hold her back or she learns to trust someone more than she ever has.
Could be fun no? ^^

as always, enjoy.
Don't steal or share without asking first.

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War Chronicles : retribution pg 44 by Crydius
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War Chronicles : retribution pg 46 by Crydius
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gamewizard-2008's avatar
I'll miss you, Daren. X,(