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War Chronicles : retribution cover



I figured it was about time I made this. 90 % of what I draw are comics but I realized KH : Dawn of War was the only one I actually drew a cover for. So it's only natural that my biggest comic at the moment gets one as well. I could have made a cover for War Chronicles in general but in the end I had to specify on Retribution as that's the one where everyone you see here has a role. Flight of Fear and Invasion ony have some characters, so that wouldn't have worked out in the end.

It took a while to design this one though. That's the thing when you've got so many characters. You have to figure out what to show and what not without it turning into this big mishmash of characters. So I went with this. How's it look ? What do you guys think ?

For those interested in the comic or any of my stuff for that matter, check out the comic section, you'll find all my comics there. ^^
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© 2015 - 2024 Crydius
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gamewizard-2008's avatar
Gotta say, love how Kairi looks! I guess my only real concern going into this is if it can stand on its own well enough without feeling like MLP fanservice (since I usually try to avoid that series as much as possible). On the bright side, that means I can rate it based on its usage of the characters and not based on their origins! And as far as the villains go, I think I'm hope interested in the priestess just based on appearance, though I hope they each receive a share of development and have unique interactions.