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War Chronicles: Retribution pg 99



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War Chronicles: Retribution pg 98 by Crydius
War Chronicles: Retribution pg 100 by Crydius
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836x1568px 1.12 MB
© 2022 - 2024 Crydius
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I just realized what’s stopping Crydius, and honestly the Adepts in general, from winning! They don’t have team moves! I mean think about it, it just took down Crydius, another took down Greivous, I’m sure there’s a third I can’t recall atm. It would solve all their problems!!!

But unfortunately, being villains, the level of trust and coordination needed to successfully pull such a maneuver is unlikely to happen. And you can see such flaws present in how they’ve operated here. Each and every villain has focused on confronting their enemies by themselves. Even the duo of Slenderman and Scarecrow were less of a partnership and more of “2 work acquaintances present in the same room”. The most support they gave was attacking someone the other couldn’t/was too busy to deal with.

… this started as a joke, but got away from me. So to get back on track: after this invasion is over, they need to take some team-building exercises. To graduate, they need to showcase a new team-move with their partner, else they have to retake the course!