Livestream Sunday BannerCRPonies on DeviantArt

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Livestream Sunday Banner



Hi everyone!
For you that have been following me for.. say about 6 months or so, you would know that I did the Livestream Sunday Banner for EQD!
However it's really old now, so Calpain gave me the permission to re-do it. So every Sunday, this image will be there instead of this old one:
(It's bad looking, I know. ^^;)
It's actually really fun doing art for Equestria Daily, wish they called on artists more. :P
But anyways! Enjoy. :) Feedback is welcome.

(Rocket's cutie mark was vectored by :iconkooner-cz:. Forgot to add that, woops!)
Image size
810x1076px 513.45 KB
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