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Daily Deviation
October 3, 2009
Enter the Dreamtime Wilderness by ~crotafang suggester writes, "All the bright colors within what appears to be trees, grass, and stars definitely make it feel like a dream, as the title indicates."
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Your dreams represent the true you. They are the visual manifestations of your thoughts and feelings, your memories and experiences, your wishes and beliefs, your fears and hopes.
When you sleep and enter the Dreamtime Wilderness, pay attention to your dreams, the things and people you see in them, and the things that happen in them. When you wake up, think about your dreams objectively and ask yourself what your dreams mean to you.
Fractal made in Apophysis 7X
When you sleep and enter the Dreamtime Wilderness, pay attention to your dreams, the things and people you see in them, and the things that happen in them. When you wake up, think about your dreams objectively and ask yourself what your dreams mean to you.
Fractal made in Apophysis 7X
Image size
1280x960px 709 KB
© 2009 - 2024 crotafang
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Oh, Oh, this is gorgeous!